Champion of inclusion: Jillian Zacks

Nominated by Achieva and Jewish Family and Community Services for her dedication to working for and with individuals with disabilities, Jillian Zacks will receive the Shore-Whitehill Award. This award is given annually by Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and Jewish Residential Services, an organization that supports individuals with psychiatric, developmental or intellectual disabilities, helping them to live, learn, work and socialize as valued members of the community.

The Shore-Whitehill Award, created in 1996 and named for Robert Whitehill and the late Barbara Shore who co-chaired a task force on special needs in the community, celebrates volunteers who promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the fabric of Jewish life through advocacy or direct service to individuals and families.

Awardees are selected for the value of their contributions as champions of inclusion and the commitment of their nominating organization or group to publicly honoring them so they may serve as a springboard for change and inspire further action by others.

Jillian has served as the board chair for JFCS and The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh and as a board member for Achieva, Friendship Circle, and 21 and Able. In her job as an attorney, she specializes in Estate Planning, Special Needs Trusts, Guardianship, Estate Administration, and Orphans’ Court Matters. She has dedicated much of her career to assisting families in planning for the future of their loved ones with disabilities. In addition to her professional and volunteer roles, Jillian is a passionate advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities who has met with state and federal legislators to promote legislation that removes barriers to individuals with disabilities working and living in the community. 

As a mother to two adult children on the autism spectrum, Jillian has made it her life’s work to help and advocate for individuals with disabilities and their families. “Jillian has long been an advocate for individuals with disabilities, and this passion was more important than ever in the last two years during this pandemic,” explained JFCS President and CEO Dr. Jordan Golin. “She was instrumental in helping us to ensure that no one in the community was left behind during the transition to remote service delivery and that those with unique needs received unique interventions.”

Achieva Senior Vice President and The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh President Nancy Murray also recognized Jillian’s dedication to her work. “Jillian is a passionate, dedicated advocate and attorney who is devoting her legal work to educating, supporting and representing people with disabilities and their families,” Nancy expressed. “She knows firsthand how difficult it is for people with disabilities and families to obtain information, navigate through systems and get the services they need. That is exactly why Jillian devotes herself to advocating for and helping other families!”

Jillian will be presented the award by Robert Whitehill on February 16, 2022 at a luncheon event that will be followed by a virtual panel for parents of children with disabilities to discuss resources for transitioning into adulthood. More details to follow soon.

Click here to watch an interview with Jillian to learn more about her work in the community, and legal and financial special needs planning.


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Employment of people with disabilities: what you need to know

Inclusion of people with disabilities in the community is a Jewish value. So is the inclusion of people with disabilities in the work force – and it’s good for business. People with disabilities, their families, and employers all have a stake in expanding the work force. Join us in February during Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month for a discussion focused on employment of people with disabilities. The conversation will take place on Zoom at 5:30pm on Monday, February 28th and will feature Jeremy Shapira, Chief Inclusion, Equity and Diversity Officer at Giant Eagle, Inc. and Lee Chernotsky, Chief Encouragement Officer of ROSIES, an organization that creates opportunities for people with diverse abilities to engage and work. Becky Johnson, director of the Career Development Center at JFCS, will moderate the discussion, as we explore the benefits of a diverse workforce. Our speakers will discuss how employers can successfully include people with disabilities in the work force and make job opportunities more accessible, while recognizing the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in the job market.

This event is being co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and Jewish Residential Services. Registration will be available starting in January. Please contact Caitlin Lasky at with questions.

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Disability rights and the power of advocacy

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Did you know that you have the power to influence elected officials to pass legislation that betters the lives of people with disabilities? Watch Aaron Kaufman, Senior Manager of Legislative Affairs in Jewish Federation of North America’s Washington DC office, Laura Cherner, Director Community Relations Council at Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, and Dr. Josie Badger, Disability Activist and Consultant, to learn what advocacy is all about, how it works and its importance to improving the lives of people living with disabilities. In this panel discussion, you will learn how you can get involved and have a direct impact.

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Disability inclusion and representation in the entertainment industry

In this interview, Lauren Appelbaum, the VP, Communications and Entertainment & News Media of RespectAbility, talks about disability inclusion in the entertainment industry, how far we have come, and how far we still have to go. Click here to watch the interview.

Links mentioned in the interview:
-Visibility of Disability: Answering the Call for Disability Inclusion in Media 
-New Survey: What Do Disabled U.S. Audiences Think Of Representation On Screen? 


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Inclusion in film and television

Two Films Receive Authentic Representation Award

Film and media are often perceived as reflections of reality which makes it important to recognize realistic representation on screen. The Ruderman Family Foundation’s Seal of Authentic Representation specifically acknowledges movies and television that feature performances of actors with disabilities. Two of the highest grossing films of 2021, A Quiet Place II and Godzilla vs. Kong have received that recognition. Click here to learn more about the performances by Millicent Simonds and Kaylee Holt, two Deaf actresses that portray Deaf characters in the films.

Television Review: Ramy

According to a recent study, “significant depictions of disability on film and television shows have nearly tripled over the past decade compared with the previous 10 years. Sixty-Five percent of depictions of disability came via films. Just 16% came from regular series, with the balance seen in TV movies, limited series or specials.” Ramy, an award-winning comedy-drama series on Hulu, is an exceptional example, with a realistic depiction of disability, played by an actor with a disability.  Steve Way, the actor who plays Ramy’s friend Stevie, was born with muscular dystrophy and uses a wheelchair.  The show focuses on the title character, Ramy, and his struggle to find himself and be true to his Muslim faith.  Stevie as his best friend, is profane, staunchly realistic and an assertive advocate for himself. He alternately functions as Ramy’s conscience and leads him into temptation, resulting in scenes that are at times both hilarious and poignant. Stevie’s disability makes it necessary for him to depend on Ramy in a variety of – sometimes very personal – ways. The show depicts this in a completely natural fashion; there is no question that Stevie will be fully included in Ramy’s life and social circle. Click here to watch Ramy on Hulu. 

Atypical Renewed for Final Season

The Netflix television series, Atypical has been renewed for a fourth and final season. The show tells the coming of age story of a young man named Sam who is on the autism spectrum. Although the actor who portrays Sam is not autistic himself, there are actors with Autism that have roles in the show. Anthony Jacques, who is on the spectrum, plays the role of Christopher and a number of characters in Sam’s support group are portrayed by people on the Autism spectrum. Click here to find out more about the addition of actors with autism to season two. Click here to learn more about the show’s upcoming final season. 

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Temple Sinai task force promotes inclusion

Thirty-one years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in order prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. The law addressed the exclusion of people with disabilities in many areas – employment, transportation, etc. – but it did not address inclusion, particularly in faith communities. There is still much work to be done before all members of our society can actively participate in the religious community of their choice.

Awareness of the need for disability inclusion within Judaism has grown in the past two decades.  National events like Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month, which has existed since 2009, and the creation of national organizations like RespectAbility, which works to provide inclusion resources to religious communities and many other walks of life, have helped to highlight the issues.

Within the Pittsburgh Jewish community, Temple Sinai was the first congregation to form a committee that focuses on disability inclusion. Lisa Lederer, a member of Temple Sinai and disability advocate, approached Mara Kaplan, another congregation member and disability advocate who has a son with a disability, and asked her to share the responsibility of creating and co-chairing a disability task force. Mara recalls Lisa asking, “Temple Sinai is really committed to social justice, but if we don’t clean up our own house how can we be really going out and doing work beyond our synagogue walls?” Thus, in 2015, the disAbilities Task Force at Temple Sinai was established, to help create an accessible and inclusive environment for all members of the Temple Sinai community.

Since its establishment, the disAbilities Task Force has addressed both accessibility and inclusion at Temple Sinai, which Kaplan notes, are not the same thing. “Accessibility means you can get in the building, you can get up on the bema, and you can open the doors to the bathroom. That is necessary to reach inclusion, but just doing those things doesn’t get you to inclusion. People are starting to call their inclusion committees, non-segregation committees. That’s what we’re really doing here. We’re not segregating anybody out of Judaism because we couldn’t give them what they needed to be able to participate in the place where they wanted to participate.”

The Task Force started by conducting a physical and social audit of the building and programming to identify areas changes could be made to increase accessibility. They found that there was already a ramp to reach the bema, there were elevators in the building, an entrance without stairs, and an accessible bathroom. However, the garden that holds the Sukkah during the festival of Sukkot could only be reached using stairs, potentially preventing some congregants from participating. The disAbilities Task Force raised funds for a garden ramp and temporarily moved the Sukkah to an accessible location during the construction.

After beginning to address accessibility, the Task Force created a strategic plan to promote inclusion. Kaplan said that one of the most important components of the plan was “getting people comfortable with seeing people with disabilities [and being] around people with mental health issues.” To further that goal, the disAbilities Task Force started organizing events that would facilitate conversation and help people with disabilities tell their stories. One program taught people with mental health diagnoses to perform standup comedy routines for a community-wide event. Another program focused on question and answer sessions via Zoom, between people with and without mental health diagnoses. “Stories are a very strong way to change people’s opinions,” Kaplan remarked.


More recently, the disAbilities Task Force helped Temple Sinai overcome challenges that occurred due to the pandemic. As public gatherings turned to virtual platforms, the work of the Task Force was essential.  It ensured that everyone who wanted to participate had the technological ability and equipment to attend virtual services – especially during the High Holidays. The Task Force sent a survey to members of the congregation and then dispatched volunteers to help congregants who wanted assistance to prepare for online holidays services. The Task Force offered online sensory support, with interactive activities and an hour long High Holiday playlist to provide a break from Zoom while remaining in the holiday mindset.

As a result of the pandemic, the Task Force has had the opportunity to focus on the ways technology can be used to promote inclusion. “We are going to look at our entire building where programming and services take place to determine what kind of technology, if any, is needed,” said Kaplan. This could include evaluating the Synagogue’s internet connection, updating the technology that is compatible with telecoil hearing aids, and continuing to use zoom as a resource for congregants who cannot attend services in-person. For those who do attend High Holidays services in-person, the Task Force has sign language interpreters for certain services, magnifying glasses, large print prayer books, fidget toys, valet parking, and a quiet room set aside to take breaks from services.

While it is encouraging to see the work Temple Sinai has done to promote inclusion and accessibility within the Jewish community, there is more work that needs to be done, both inside and outside of synagogue walls. “Be aware as a community member. Make [people with disabilities] feel like they are a part of you instead of apart from you,” said Kaplan. She recommends community members promote inclusion by doing small things such as sharing rides, extending invitations to religious celebrations, providing food for people with dietary restrictions, and most importantly, listening to other people’s needs.

Kaplan has experienced the benefit of strengthened inclusion at Temple Sinai first-hand. “I have tons of people always coming up to me saying, ‘We love when you bring Samuel to services. He just loves the music and it’s so fun to see him engaged,’” said Kaplan referring to her son who has a disability. “Well, that’s come a long way from a time where people weren’t so sure Samuel should be in the service because he made noises, and we’d have to take him out. Now, there’s an expectation that he should be there and if he makes noises, so what?”

To learn more about Temple Sinai’s Inclusion Task Force, contact Mara Kaplan at or Lisa Lederer at  If you and/or your congregation are looking for ways to be more inclusive during the High Holidays, click here to view RespectAbilities High Holiday Inclusion Tool Kit.

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High Holidays disability inclusion resource kit

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How can you, your family and community be inclusive during the upcoming High Holidays? Click the links below to see various disability inclusion resources from reputable sources.

High Holiday Specific Inclusion

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